Sunday, December 28, 2008


Your time is the most precious gift you can give to anyone .Time can never be replaced, returned or destroyed.When you spend quality time with someone, make time for someone or share time with someone, you are saying ' I am giving you the most precious thing I can '. Time is priceless. It is irreplacable. And it represents much more than any single solitary material object ever could. If you are really searching for an effective way to show the people closest in your life just how much you value and appreciate them, simply spend more time with them :)
Hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season. And I hope everyone was able to enjoy the 5 'F's' ! :
and Fellowship
Peace and blessings and I hope you all have a safe and prosperous new year

1 comment:

AssertiveWit said...

simple yet so effective...good blog!